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Showing posts from August, 2019

COLOREX Acinetobacter

MEDIUM PURPOSE  Chromogenic medium for detection of Acinetobacter and MDR Acinetobacter sp.  Acinetobacter baumannii is becoming a major hospital-acquired infection issue because of its often multi-drug resistance (MDR : resistance to C3G, quinolones, carbapenem etc). This contributes to the increase of morbidity and mortality. Active surveillance is necessary to control its spread in the facilities, to reduce the risk of cross contamination, and to identify the carriers. Rapid identification of patients that are colonized with Acinetobacter would lead to infection control practices aimed at preventing spread of the organisms. CHROMagar TM     Acin e t obac t er Тэжээлт орчны ач холбогдол Acinetobacter and MDR Acinetobacter sp .-үүдийг ялган дүйн тодорхойлох хромоген тэжээлт орчин юм. Acinetobacter baumannii нь олон эмэнд тэсвэртэй учраас голлох эмнэлгийн дотоод халдварын шалтгаан болж байна (MDR: C3G, хинолоны, карбапенем зэрэгт тэсвэртэй)...